Thursday, May 12, 2016

Research Data Matters video available for broad distribution

The UC Libraries Data Curation Common Knowledge Group has created the first video ( of a proposed video series aimed at promoting awareness of the fundamental concepts and practices for managing research data. The Data Curation CKG identified a shared need for reusable educational material on research data curation among UC campuses. This introductory video incorporates the voices and testimonials of UC researchers to communicate the importance of good data management practices.

We encourage campus libraries to promote the video through websites, social media, and other appropriate communication channels. Options for sharing, including HTML code for embedding the video in web pages, are available by selecting “Share” under the YouTube video.  When embedding, select "Show More" for advanced options (such as removing suggested videos when the video finishes).

Viewers are encouraged to complete a brief feedback survey, linked to at the end of the video, and available here:

Viewership and feedback will be used to assess this pilot and inform future development of the series. Questions or feedback can also be submitted directly to the project leads, Kat Koziar ( and Emily Lin (

Thank you.

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