Monday, June 6, 2016

Top Ten UC Irvine Articles Accessed in eScholarship for May 2016

Top Ten UC Irvine Articles Accessed in eScholarship for May 2016

Below is an overview of the number of views and downloads for this month, along with links to your usage numbers from previous months and additional data. We feel that the combination of views and downloads gives a more accurate picture of the interest in and usage of your publications than is reflected in download counts alone, particularly given the enhanced access readers have to your publications prior to download in the eScholarship interface.

UC Irvine Previously Published Works

For this month your total requests = 13159 (views=9586, downloads=4171

Breakdown By Item

Top Ten Articles Viewed and Downloaded - May 2016

ItemYear---- Number of Requests ----TotalAdded to
TitlePublishedViewsDownloadsRequests"My Items"
Perspective—Making Doubt Generative: Rethinking the Role of Doubt in the Research Process2008100261260
iLost -- Bluetooth Indoor Navigation System20168711980
Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory: a meta-analysis20144737840
Effects of a combination of beta carotene and vitamin A on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease.19966417810
Sinusoidal heart rate pattern: Reappraisal of its definition and clinical significance2004699780
Theorizing Practice and Practicing Theory20113241730
Flattening of the interventricular septum (D-shaped left ventricle) in addition to high right ventricular tracer uptake and increased right ventricular volume found on gated SPECT studies strongly correlates with right ventricular overload2005721730
Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica20134026660
Zombies--A Pop Culture Resource for Public Health Awareness20135115660
Estimates of global terrestrial isoprene emissions using MEGAN (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature)20064420640
More information about the UC Open Access Policy is available on the Open Access Policy pages.

Visit the Implementation Plan to learn more about the timeline for systemwide roll-out of the publication management system.

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