Tuesday, March 4, 2008

IU libraries publish faculty e-journal

Indiana University Library Publishes First Faculty E-Journal
In what librarians are calling "a turning point in scholarly publishing" the Indiana University (IU) library this week published the university’s first "faculty-generated" open access electronic journal, the Museum Anthropology Review. The journal, edited by Jason Baird Jackson, associate professor in IU’s Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology, was chartered last February as part of a pilot project within the library’s larger scholarly communication initiative, IUScholarWorks, designed to offer faculty "a low-cost solution to the administrative and publishing functions."
In an editorial on the journal’s web site, Jackson detailed—and praised—the library’s contributions. "Almost as soon as we began publishing last February, we started partnering with remarkable, visionary librarians," Jackson wrote...

Karla Malenfant (American Library Association)

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