Monday, February 12, 2024

NIST Research Data Framework and USDA Public Access Plan - febraruy 12, 2024

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released version 2.0 of its Research Data Framework (RDaF). The RDaF is available as both a publication and interactive web application. The framework is a tool that brings together information and resources on research data to support organizations and individuals in the management and dissemination of data. Version 2.0 expanded subtopics and added more profiles based on community feedback and serves as a comprehensive map of the research data ecosystem. Organizations, including universities, have already begun using earlier versions of the RDaF in their research data management activities. 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) opened a second comment period on its draft public access plan and comments will close on February 28th at 5 pm ET. USDA also announced a Q&A Session scheduled for February 20th at 12 pm ET to discuss its draft plan and answer questions. SPARC will be providing public comments and will share them with members as soon as they are submitted. 

Katie Steen-James

SPARC | Manager of Public Policy & Advocacy

816-645-1189 (c)



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