Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Publishers to Require ORCID Identifiers for Authors

A group of seven publishers today announced that, during 2016, they will begin requiring authors to use an ORCID identifier (iD) during the publication process. The American Geophysical Union (AGU), eLife, EMBO, Hindawi, the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) will join the Royal Society – which already (as of January 1, 2016) requires its authors to include iDs at submission – in making this commitment.

ORCID iDs are persistent identifiers for people. Using an ORCID iD ensures that researchers can be easily and correctly connected with their research activities, outputs, and affiliations. Over 200 research platforms and workflow systems collect and connect iDs from
researchers: grant application and publishing systems, association management systems, and university CRIS and other research information systems.

Over 1.8 million researchers globally have registered for an iD, understanding the value a digital name provides in enhancing discoverability and reducing their reporting paperwork.  Some funders have started to require ORCID iDs as part of the grant proposal process, and in a recent survey researchers indicated strong support for similar requirements by publishers.

According to Mark Patterson, Executive Director of eLife, one of the three original organizations behind this initiative: “There is a pressing need to improve the way researchers are evaluated. ORCID helps by providing a unique ID for an individual which makes it easier for researchers to gain recognition for all of their research contributions. eLife is very happy to be part of this initiative aimed at encouraging broader adoption of ORCID.”

Veronique Kiermer, Executive Editor of PLOS, another of the original organizations, adds: “PLOS is committed to providing due credit to all researchers who contribute to the work we publish and we see ORCID as an essential means to achieve this.”

While Stuart Taylor, Publishing Director at the Royal Society - the third organization - says:

“We recognize the great potential value of ORCID to the research system. We believe that publishers have a key role in promoting systems that provide support to researchers and to science.”

Laure Haak, Executive Director of ORCID, also welcomes this
initiative: “This action by publishers will help improve discoverability - and ultimately recognition - for researchers, and also means that publishers will use best practice for implementing
ORCID: a win for everyone.”


ORCID (http://orcid.org) is a community-driven non-profit organization that aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications.  ORCID maintains a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers and provides open and transparent processes for connecting ORCID iDs with persistent identifiers for people, organizations, and research activities and outputs.  Connecting these identifiers can improve the research and scholarly discovery process, reduce reporting burdens, increase the efficiency of research funding, and support sharing and collaboration within the research community.  For more information contact Laurel Haak, ORCID Executive Director, at l.haak@orcid.org.

Alice Meadows
Director of Communications, ORCID


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