Thursday, February 12, 2015

Second Federal Agency [Healthcare Research & Quality) Releases OA Plan

The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) released their plans that will require all publications and data that results from research they fund to be publicly available within 12 months of publication. The OSTP Memo calling for such plans is almost two years old and this is the second agency to release their plans.  For publications, the plan calls for submitting the author’s accepted manuscript into NIH’s PubMed Central, thus making use of an existing repository. For data, the plan call for the agency to cut a deal with a commercial repository for funded researchers who don’t have another place to deposit it. There does seem to be some vagueness remaining regarding whether or not this is the final plan.

David Crotty has an overview in the Scholarly Kitchen today ( and the full plan can be seen at the AHRQ site (           

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