Monday, April 21, 2008

Down with E-Reserves - Andrew Albanese , Library Journal (10/1/2007)

Down with E-Reserves
Confusing, contentious, and vital, e-reserves fuel higher education—and an ongoing copyright battle
By Andrew Albanese -- Library Journal, 10/1/2007

"Although it claims the copying is in excess of what is permitted as fair use, the publishers do not offer a specific discussion of what it considers to be the bounds of fair use, nor does it adequately define course packs, nor offer any interpretation of the cited cases against copy shops, other than to broadly claim that they act as guiding precedence." Claire Stewart, Northwestern University

Copyright lawsuit - Cambridge University Press et al v Carl V. Patton et al (GSU) (April 2008)

If you haven't kept up on the recent lawsuit against Georgia State regarding online course materials, an excellent, and pointed, summary is given (if I may be permitted to plug a local resource) by Claire Stewart at her Northwestern University Library Copyright blog

Bob Michaelson
Northwestern University Library
Evanston, Illinois 60208

Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Copyright Report from study group (on copyright in digital environment)

This meaty report is worth perusing, with implications for all of us (incl. ILL and digital preservation) if recommendations for legislative change are adopted and enacted.

American Libraries story on it:
"The Section 108 Study Group was co-chaired by Laura N. Gasaway,
associate dean for academic affairs at the University of North Carolina
School of Law, and Richard S. Rudick, former senior vice president and
general counsel of John Wiley and Sons. The Library of Congress acted as
a facilitator for the study group but had no influence over its
ACRL has slated an Onpoint Chat session April 29 on this:

ALA Washington Office Section 108 Website: