Friday, April 10, 2015

NOAA Releases Plan for Public Access to Research - April 2015

NIST Releases Plan for Public Access to Research - April 2015

National Institute of Standards and Technology Releases Plan for Public Access to NIST-Funded Research

by Prue Adler | 202-296-2296 | | on April 09, 2015

"The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released on April 3, 2015, a “Plan for Providing Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research” (PDF). The NIST plan calls for making peer-reviewed scholarly publications and associated data that result from NIST funding publicly accessible. The plan applies to both NIST employees and grantees.

NIST is taking a phased approach to implementation of the plan regarding publications. There will be a pilot exercise in year one (FY 2015) that will include two journals, the NIST Journal of Research and the Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. In year two (FY 2016), deposit of NIST-authored publications will be operational and, in year three (FY 2017), extramural publications of scientific research funded by NIST will be required to be deposited in the NIST public access archive system. As of October 2015, there will be standard language regarding public access to data and publications in the terms and conditions for grants and contracts."

Friday, April 3, 2015

Top Ten UC Irvine Articles Accessed in eScholarship for March 2015

Top Ten UC Irvine Articles Accessed in eScholarship for March 2015

Below is an overview of the number of views and downloads for this month, along with links to your usage numbers from previous months and additional data. We feel that the combination of views and downloads gives a more accurate picture of the interest in and usage of your publications than is reflected in download counts alone, particularly given the enhanced access readers have to your publications prior to download in the eScholarship interface.

UC Irvine Previously Published Works

For this month your total requests = 7430 (views=5377, downloads=2053).

Breakdown By Item

Top Ten Articles Viewed and Downloaded - March 2015

Item Year ---- Number of Requests ---- Total Added to
Title Published Views Downloads Requests "My Items"
Effects of a combination of beta carotene and vitamin A on lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. 1996 75 20 95 0
Theorizing Practice and Practicing Theory 2011 48 39 87 0
Science education. Changing the culture of science education at research universities. 2011 35 38 73 0
Building the oral language skills of K-2 English Language learners through theater arts 2011 44 13 57 0
Effect of Annealing on Hardness and the Modulus of Elasticity in Bulk Nanocrystalline Nickel 2010 52 3 55 0
The Economics of Autocracy and Majority Rule 1996 39 16 55 0
Sustainability. Systems integration for global sustainability. 2015 22 30 52 0
Sinusoidal heart rate pattern: Reappraisal of its definition and clinical significance 2004 43 9 52 0
Information privacy in institutional and end-user tracking and recording technologies 2010 39 10 49 0
Income Inequality, Race, and Place:  Does the Distribution of Race and Class within Neighborhoods affect Crime Rates? 2007 37 10 47 0



More information about the UC Open Access Policy is available on the Open Access Policy pages.

Visit the Implementation Plan to learn more about the timeline for systemwide roll-out of the publication management system.