Thursday, August 28, 2008

Publisher version/PDF use in Institutional Repositories

Publisher version/PDF use in Institutional Repositories

[Forwarding from Jane Smith via the JISC-Repositories list.]

Publisher version/PDF use in Institutional Repositories

SHERPA runs RoMEO as a service to academic authors and repository managers around the world to summarise publishers' contracts relating to open access archiving.

There is often a question about the use of the publishers own PDF version of research articles and whether these can be archived. It is often believed that all publishers prohibit the use of their own PDF: in fact the situation is very different.

SHERPA has analysed its records to determine which of the 414 publishers listed allow authors to deposit the publishers' version or publishers' PDF of a journal article into the author's institutional repository. 50 publishers allow immediate, un-embargoed deposit into repositories -- even more allow use in restricted circumstances. This means that there is a large volume of work which can be deposited directly into repositories even if the author has not retained their own final draft. We hope that this information will help repository administrators in encouraging deposit into their repositories.

The results have been mounted on the RoMEO site -

We have separated the publishers into sub-sets, indicating any restrictions that are imposed by the publishers on the use of their versions. The sub-sets are: no restrictions, embargos, fee required and embargo & fee required.

In total this shows that 69 out of the 414 publishers listed in RoMEO, allow the use of the publishers' final version of an article in an institutional repository in some manner. These 69 publishers cover approximately 1334 journal titles.


RoMEO is an online service which allows users to search for publishers' policies on self-archiving. Each entry is broken down into which versions the author may deposit, the location of the deposit and any attached conditions.

RoMEO is seen as an essential resource by many in the Open Access community. RoMEO is funded by JISC and the Wellcome Trust. Journal information is kindly provided by the British Library's Zetoc service hosted by MIMAS


The award winning SHERPA is based at the University of Nottingham and works on a portfolio of projects related to Open Access and repository development.

SHERPA is a 33 member consortium of research-led universities within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. SHERPA specialises in promoting and advising on the development of open access repositories. Other services developed by SHERPA include JULIET and OpenDOAR.

Jane H Smith B.Sc (Hons) M.Sc
SHERPA Services Development Officer

OpenDOAR -
Juliet -
Nottingham E-Prints -

Greenfield Medical Library
University of Nottingham,
Queens Medical Centre

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

OCLC pilots WorldCat Copyright Evidence Registry

OCLC pilots WorldCat Copyright Evidence Registry

News releases

DUBLIN, Ohio, USA, 25 August 2008-OCLC is piloting a new service for libraries that encourages librarians and other interested parties to discover and share information about the copyright status of books.

The WorldCat Copyright Evidence Registry is a community working together to build a union catalog of copyright evidence based on WorldCat, which contains more than 100 million bibliographic records describing items held in thousands of libraries worldwide. In addition to the WorldCat metadata,
the Copyright Evidence Registry uses other data contributed by libraries and other organizations.

Digitization projects continue for books in the public domain, but books whose copyright status is unknown are destined to remain in print and on shelves until their status can be determined. The process to determine
copyright status can be lengthy and labor intensive. The goal of the Copyright Evidence Registry is to encourage a cooperative environment to discover, create and share copyright evidence through a collaboratively created and maintained database, using the WorldCat cooperative model to eliminate duplicate efforts.

"Having a practical registry of copyright evidence is vital to our objective of providing our scholars and students with more digital content, one goal of Stanford's mass digitization projects," said Catherine Tierney, Associate University Librarian for Technical Services, Stanford University. "By leveraging the value of its massive database, OCLC is in a unique position to champion cooperative efforts to collect evidence crucial to determining copyright status."

The Copyright Evidence Registry six-month pilot was launched July 1 to test the concept and functionality. Users can search the Copyright Evidence Registry to find information about a book, learn what others have said about its copyright status, and share what they know.

"The Copyright Evidence Registry builds on the WorldCat cooperative model envisioned by OCLC founder Frederick Kilgour," said Chip Nilges, OCLC Vice President, Business Development. "OCLC, and its network of libraries and librarians, is in a position to take a leadership role in this cooperative effort to build a database of copyright status information for all to share."

During a later stage of the pilot, OCLC will add a feature enabling pilot libraries to create and run automated copyright rules conforming to standards they define for determining copyright status. The rules will help
libraries analyze the information available in the Copyright Evidence Registry and form their own conclusions about copyright status.

"The Copyright Evidence Registry is a resource being created by a cooperative network of librarians coming together to share their knowledge and findings about copyright status for the benefit of the entire community," said Bill Carney, OCLC Content Manager.

The WorldCat Copyright Evidence Registry Beta can be accessed at Catalogers should feel free to use their OCLC Connexion cataloging authorizations to log in. Others are welcome to create or use their current authorization. There is a "sandbox" record available to try out the system.

OCLC is encouraging feedback on the Copyright Evidence Registry from the library community on the Web site

About OCLC
Founded in 1967 and headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, OCLC is a nonprofit library service and research organization that has provided computer-based cataloging, reference, resource sharing, eContent, preservation, library management and Web services to 60,000 libraries in 112 countries and
territories. OCLC and its member libraries worldwide have created and maintain WorldCat, the world's richest online resource for finding library materials. For more information, visit .

Find out more about OCLC OCLC and WorldCat are trademarks/service marks of OCLC, Inc. Third-party product, service and business names are trademarks/service marks of their respective owners.